The films that we see are the works of directors just like the novels we read are the works of writers. So, it is not possible to speak of cinema without speaking about the directors who created it. Hence, I started these write-ups on directors of feature films starting with the ones I like most.
And to begin with, Oliver Stone is a well deserving candidate. I consider Stone one of the best directors of Hollywood because he is capable of keeping a storyline coherent mixing reality and drama just in the right measurements and then he has his own subtle style coming through.
With films so different from each other like U-Turn and Platoon, Born on the Fourth of July and Natural Born Killers, all well directed and great in their own way, Stone has proved again and again that he is able to direct different actors as well as scripts.
What makes a director really good is the viewers’ faith in him that if his name associated with a project there is no idiocy expected. I think Oliver Stone qualifies that test and you don’t expect a mediocre film if he is the director.
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